Founded in 1911, the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) is the world's oldest and largest professional safety organization committed to protecting people, property and the environment. ASSE is responsible for several American National Standards Institute (ANSI) committees and leads the way in setting standards for safety in construction, demolition, motor vehicle operations, hazardous energy, fall protection, mold remediation, training and certification.
Accident Investigation Techniques, 2nd Edition
This edition covers all aspects of accident investigation from theory to organizing, gathering and a..
$12.00 $24.00
ASSP A10.1-2011 (R2017)
This standard establishesthe elements and activities for pre-projectand pre-task safety and health p..
$55.00 $110.00
ASSP A10.10-1990(R1998)
Provides minimum safety requirements for the selection, installation, operation and maintenance of s..
$92.00 $184.00
ASSP A10.10-1998 (2004)
Provides minimum safety requirements for the selection, installation, operation and maintenance of s..
$39.00 $77.00
ASSP A10.10-2014
This standard providesminimum safety requirements for theselection, installation, operation andmaint..
$49.00 $97.00
ASSP A10.10-2015
This standard providesminimum safety requirements for theselection, installation, operation andmaint..
$55.00 $110.00
ASSP A10.11-1989 (R1998)
Establishes safety requirements for the selection, installation, and use of personnel and debris net..
$39.00 $77.00
ASSP A10.11-2010 (R2016)
This standard establishessafety requirements for the selection,installation, and use of personnel an..
$55.00 $110.00
ASSP A10.12-1998 (R2016)
Establishes standards for the prevention of deaths, injuries and damage during or related to excavat..
$55.00 $110.00
ASSP A10.13-2001
This standard establishes safety requirements for the erecting, handling, fitting, fastening, reinfo..
$39.00 $77.00
ASSP A10.13-2011 (R2017)
This standard establishes safety requirements for the erecting, handling, fitting, fastening, reinfo..
$55.00 $110.00
ASSP A10.15-1995 (R2017)
Establishes safety requirements for the erection, handling, fitting, fastening, reinforcing and dism..
$55.00 $110.00
ASSP A10.16-1995(R2001)
This standard establishes safety requirements pertaining to the construction of tunnels, shafts, and..
$39.00 $77.00
ASSP A10.16-2009 (R2016)
This standard establishes safety requirements for the construction of tunnels, shafts, and caissons...
$55.00 $110.00
ASSP A10.17-2006 (R2017)
This standard applies to those operations involving hot mix asphalt (bituminous) mixtures and materi..
$55.00 $110.00
ASSP A10.18-1996
This standard prescribes rules and establishes safety requirements for the protection of employees a..
$39.00 $77.00