BOMA International is a primary source of information on building management and operations, development, leasing, building operating costs, energy consumption patterns, local and national building codes, legislation, occupancy statistics, technological developments and other industry trends.
2018 BOMA International Healthcare Real Estate Compensation Report
Knowing what the market averages are for compensation in healthcare real estate can be a big advanta..
$78.00 $156.00
Allocating Common Area Maintenance (CAM) Charges in Mixed-Use Properties and Other Strategies for Managing Live-Work-Play Developments
Make CAM allocation confusion a thing of the past with BOMA's Allocating Common Area Maintenance (CA..
$38.00 $76.95
BOMA Z65.1-1980
In 1915, BOMA International published the first Office Measurement Standard. Throughout the years, t..
$13.00 $15.00
BOMA Z65.1-1989
The BOMA International 1989 Office Standard is a reaffirmation by the American National Standards In..
$13.00 $15.00
BOMA Z65.1-1996
Since 1915, the BOMA Standard has been the only floor measurement method for commercial real estate ..
$18.00 $36.75
BOMA Z65.1-2010
BOMA has been the leader in floor measurement standards for more than 100 years, and the Office Meas..
$38.00 $76.95
BOMA Z65.1-2017
For more than a century, BOMA has been the leader in floor measurement standards, starting with the ..
$38.00 $76.95
BOMA Z65.2-2012
From the first skyscrapers to modern industrial complexes, BOMA has been defining the way commercial..
$30.00 $59.95
BOMA Z65.3-2018
"The new Gross Areas Standard is really a way forward for the industry in establishing a global foun..
$30.00 $59.95
BOMA Z65.4-2010
If you thought BOMA Standards only measured office buildings, think again. BOMA's Multi-Unit Residen..
$30.00 $59.95
BOMA Z65.5-2010
Here's some "retail therapy" you can really put to use. BOMA's Retail Buildings: Standard Methods of..
$30.00 $59.95
BOMA Z65.6-2012
Floor measurements in mixed-use properties often presents challenges to developers, property manager..
$30.00 $59.95
BOMA's Suite of Floor Measurement Standards Bundle
Since 1915 BOMA International has set the standard for measuring buildings. Today, BOMA Internationa..
$145.00 $289.00
Developing, Leasing and Managing Healthcare Facilities in an Evolving Healthcare Environment
The fast-growing world of healthcare real estate keeps speeding up.Developing, Leasing and Managing ..
$35.00 $69.95
Emergency Preparedness Guidebook - The Property Professional's Resource for Developing Emergency Plans for Natural and Human-Based Threats
BOMA International's Emergency Preparedness Guidebook: The Property Professional's Resource for Deve..
$38.00 $76.95
Experience Exchange Report (Office EER and Industrial EER)
The Experience Exchange Report (EER) was first published in 1920 to allow property professionals to ..
$93.00 $186.00