FCI is an association of manufacturers of equipment for fluid (liquid or gas) control and conditioning. The institute is organized into product-specific sections that address issues relevant to particular products and/or technologies. These include regulators, secondary pressure drainers, control valves, pipeline strainers, solenoid valves, instruments, steam traps, and safety and relief valves.
FCI 13-1-2016
The purpose of this standard is to help estimate condensate loads using generally accepted formulas...
$100.00 $200.00
FCI 15-1-2015
This standard establishes minimum guidelines for production testing of pressure regulators for use b..
$75.00 $150.00
FCI 17-1-2018
FCI 17-1-2018 establishes minimum guidelines for production testing of sanitary pressure regulators ..
$50.00 $100.00
FCI 4-1-2007
SCOPEa. This standard establishes a methodfor conducting hydrostatic shelltesting of pressure regula..
$63.00 $125.00
FCI 4-1-2014
This standard establishes a method for conducting production hydrostatic testing of pressure regulat..
$63.00 $125.00
FCI 68-1-1998 (R2003)
This standard specifies methods of testing for rating flow and pressure characteristics of solenoid ..
$50.00 $100.00
FCI 68-2-1998 (R2003)
This standard specifies methods of testing for rating flow and pressure characteristics of solenoid ..
$50.00 $100.00
FCI 69-1-1989 (R2004)
The standard provides the minimum requirements for the design, fabrication, pressure rating, and mar..
$50.00 $100.00
FCI 69-1-2017
FCI 69-1-2017 provides the minimum requirements for the design, fabrication, pressure rating, and ma..
$50.00 $100.00
FCI 70-1-1993 (R2012)
This standard applies to filled thermal systems of remote sensing temperature regulators.The purpose..
$50.00 $100.00
FCI 70-2-2003
This standard establishes six classes of seat leakage for control valves. Also defined are specific ..
$100.00 $200.00
FCI 70-2-2006
It is strongly recommended that users of FCI 70-2 also obtain a copy of FCI 70-3Order 70-2 as a set ..
$100.00 $200.00
FCI 70-2-2006 & 70-3-2004 Set
Order this important seat leakage set and save on FCI 70-2-2006 and 70-3-2004FCI 70-2-2006:This stan..
$130.00 $260.00
FCI 70-2-2013
This standard establishes six classes of seat leakage for control valves. Also defined are specific ..
$100.00 $200.00
FCI 70-2-2013 & 70-3-2016 Set
Order this important seat leakage set and save on FCI 70-2-2013 and 70-3-2016FCI 70-2-2013:This stan..
$160.00 $320.00
FCI 70-3-2004
Order 70-3 as a set with 70-2 and save!This standard applies to pilot operated and direct acting pre..
$63.00 $125.00