2018 BOMA International Healthcare Real Estate Compensation Report
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- Book by Building Owners and Managers Association International,
- Category: BOMA
Knowing what the market averages are for compensation in healthcare real estate can be a big advantage?whether you?re negotiating for your own salary or trying to attract the best talent. Each year, BOMA International partners with Christenson Advisory Services to create the BOMA International Healthcare Real Estate Compensation Report, which offers information on compensation and benefits in the healthcare real estate sector. This report provides healthcare real estate professionals and companies with the latest details about the base salaries, incentives, cash bonuses, long-term awards and total compensation that companies give to healthcare real estate professionals in 79 different positions at a variety of firms. In addition to compensation levels, the report also covers benefits, such as health insurance and number of vacation days. The publication serves as a valuable benchmarking resource to compare your compensation and pay practices to the market.

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