• AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Customary U.S. Units, 4th Edition, 2009 Interim Revisions
  • Amendment by American Association of State and Highway Transport
  • Category: AASHTO

$150.00 $75.00

The 2009 interim contains replacement pages for the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 4th Edition, Customary U.S. Units, 2007. There is no 2009 SI Interim as per a decision made by the AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures. The 2009 U.S. Interim is necessary to have all current specification information.
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AASHTO TP 114-18

AASHTO TP 114-18

Provisional Standard Method of Test for Determining the Interlayer Shear Strength (ISS) of Asphalt P..

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