• AASHTO M 285M/M 285-03

AASHTO M 285M/M 285-03

  • Standard Specification for Castings, Iron-Chromium-Nickel, Corrosion Resistant, for Severe Service
  • standard by American Association of State and Highway Transporta
  • Category: AASHTO

$40.00 $20.00

AASHTO M 285M/M 285-03 is identical to ASTM A744/A744M-00(2004) except provisions specified in this document.
This specification covers iron-chromium-nickel alloy, stainless steel castings intended for particularly severe corrosive applications. For general corrosion-resistant alloy castings, reference should be made to M 163M/M 163. For general heat-resistant alloy castings, reference should be made to ASTM A 297/A 297M. For nickel-base alloy castings, refer to ASTM A 494/A 494M. This specification requires postweld heat-treatment of all weld repairs affecting surfaces intended to be wetted by the corrosive medium. For applications for which postweld heat treatment is not considered mandatory for retention of acceptable corrosion resistance, refer to M 163M/M 163.

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