• Model Drainage Manual, English Units
  • standard by American Association of State and Highway Transporta
  • Category: AASHTO

$434.00 $217.00

The AASHTO Task Force on Hydrology and Hydraulics, in cooperation with the FHWA Rural Technical Assistance Program (RTAP), has assisted in writing this Model Drainage Manual. This comprehensive drainage manual provides guidance on most aspects of highway drainage. Design theories, concepts, manuals, policies and procedures are condensed and written for use by the designer. Where appropriate, relevant existing AASHTO guidelines are given and/or referenced.
The manual has been developed to give the designer a basic working knowledge of hydrology and hydraulics complete with example problems. All basic design elements are included so that the designer can design highway drainage with minimal assistance.
The manual is organized in the following chapters:
(1) Introduction; (2) Legal Aspects; (3) Policy; (4) Documentation; (5) Planning and Location; (6) Data Collection; (7) Hydrology; (8) Channels; (9) Culverts; (10) Bridges; (11) Energy Dissipators; (12) Storage Facilities; (13) Storm Drainage Systems; (14) Pump Stations; (15) Surface Water Environment; (16) Erosion and Sediment Control; (17) Bank Protection; (18) Coastal Zone; (19) Construction; (20) Maintenance of Drainage Facilities; and (21) Restoration.
The Appendix contains a Glossary.
This edition is in customary English units.

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