• ANS 16.1-2019

ANS 16.1-2019

  • Measurement of the Leachability of Solidified Low-Level Radioactive Wastes by a Short-Term Test Procedure
  • standard by American Nuclear Society, 02/22/2019
  • Category: ANS

$140.00 $70.00

This standard provides a procedure to measure and index the release rates of non-volatile radionuclides from low-level radioactive waste forms in demineralized water over a test period. It can be applied to any material from which test specimens can be prepared by casting or cutting into a shape for which the surface area and volume can be determined. The results of this procedure do not represent waste form degradation in any specific environmental situation or represent waste form performance. The test method presented in this standard is an adaptation of the method published in the 1986 version of this standard but constrains test parameter values and data analyses to support direct comparisons of test responses of different waste form materials.

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