• ANS RA-S-1.3-2017

ANS RA-S-1.3-2017

  • Standard for Radiological Accident Offsite Consequence Analysis (Level 3 PRA) to Support Nuclear Installation Applications - ASM
  • standard by American Nuclear Society, 07/13/2017
  • Category: ANS

$220.00 $110.00

This standard sets forth requirements for determining consequences as part of PRAs and related analysis methodologies that can be used to support risk-informed decisions for commercial nuclear power plants. This standard also prescribes a process for applying these requirements for certain other applications involving release of radioactive materials into the atmosphere [e.g., non-light water reactor (LWR) nuclear power plants, research reactors, fuel cycle facilities, and non-reactor nuclear Department of Energy (DOE) facilities]. In these cases, supplemental requirements may be needed to ensure technical adequacy.

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ANS 3.8.4-1995

ANS 3.8.4-1995

Criteria for Maintaining Radiological Emergency Response Capability..

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Criteria for the Conduct of Offsite Radiological Assessment for Emregency Response for Nuclear Power..

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Documentation of Computer Software..

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