• ANSI O5.1-2017

ANSI O5.1-2017

  • Wood Poles: Specifications and Dimensions
  • standard by American National Standards Institute, 2017
  • Category: ANSI

$50.00 $25.00

ANSI O5.1-2017 provides minimum specifications for the quality and dimensions of wood poles that are to be usedas single-pole utility structures. The poles described herein are considered as simple cantilever members subjectto transverse loads only. Fiber strength values, provided as a basis for determining pole class sizes, apply only topoles that meet or exceed the minimum quality specifications.
Requirements for the preservative treatment of poles are outside the scope of this standard. However, wheresuch treatment or conditioning may affect strength, limitations are provided in section 5.1.2. [Also see standardssuch as those published by American Wood Protection Association (AWPA) and ASTM International (ASTM)].

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