• AS 1289.6.4.2:2016

AS 1289.6.4.2:2016

  • Method 6.4.2:Soil strength and consolidation tests - Determination of compressive strength of a soil - Compressive strength of a
  • standard by Standards Australia, 04/15/2016
  • Category: AS

$63.59 $32.00

Sets out a test procedure applicable to cohesive soils and a method for determining the compressive strength of a specimen of soil in a triaxial compression apparatus under conditions in which the cell pressure is maintained constant.

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AS 3730.6-2006

AS 3730.6-2006

Guide to the properties of paints for buildings - Solvent-borne - Interior/exterior - Full gloss ena..

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AS 3730.2-2006

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Guide to the properties of paints for buildings - Latex - Interior - Semi-gloss..

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Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - Part 3..

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AS 1684.3 C2 SUPP 7-2006

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Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas - C2 Supplement 7: Timber framing span table..

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