• AS 1418.11:2014 Amd 1:2015

AS 1418.11:2014 Amd 1:2015

  • Cranes, hoists and winches - Part 11: Vehicle-loading cranes (EN 12999:2011, MOD)
  • Amendment by Standards Australia, 03/27/2015
  • Category: AS

$200.00 $100.00


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AS 1080.2.2-1981

AS 1080.2.2-1981

Methods of testing timber - Determination of slope of grain by reference to surface checks..

$81.00 $161.00

AS 1223-1981

AS 1223-1981

Industrial hand cleaners (solvent type)..

$92.00 $183.00

AS 1933-1981

AS 1933-1981

Sizes of photographic film for use in graphic arts and reprography..

$100.00 $200.00

AS 1099.2KC-1981

AS 1099.2KC-1981

Basic environmental testing procedures for electrotechnology - Tests - Test Kc - Sulphur dioxide tes..

$98.00 $196.00