• AS 3508.3-1990

AS 3508.3-1990

  • Printed board assemblies - Cleanliness requirements and guidance
  • standard by Standards Australia, 06/18/1990
  • Category: AS

$27.65 $14.00

Specifies requirements for procedures on the cleaning, from printed boards and assemblies (PBAs), of likely residues arising from the manufacturing processes, the solder flux used in preparing the PBA for the mass soldering process and the solder process itself. Guidance is given on the level of cleanliness required and the methods of achieving that level of cleanliness. Appendices describing various test methods to determine the levels achieved by the cleaning operations are included.

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AS 4263(INT)-1994

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Interactive voice response systems - User interface - Dual tone multi frequency (DTMF) signalling..

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