ASSP A10.40-2007 (R2018)
- Reduction of Musculoskeletal Problems in Construction (Formerly ASSE A10.40-2007 (R2013))
- standard by American Society of Safety Professionals (Formerly A
- Category: ASSP
Note: Implementing this standard can helpreduce the risk of musculoskeletalproblems, but may not eliminate them dueto the complex etiology of musculoskeletalproblems and non-occupational risk factors.Note also that the mere presence ofoccupational risk factors may not constitutea problem.
Note: This standard is not intended to beand should not be used by governmentalauthorities in any enforcement proceduresor as a basis for enforceable standards. Thecommittee understands that there is notcomplete agreement about the causes andsolutions to musculoskeletal problems inconstruction.

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