• ASSP Z359.4-2013

ASSP Z359.4-2013

  • Safety Requirements for Assisted-Rescue and Self-Rescue Systems, Subsystems and Components (Formerly ASSE Z359.4-2013)
  • standard by American Society of Safety Professionals (Formerly A
  • Category: ASSP

$145.00 $73.00

This standard establishes requirementsfor the performance, design, marking, qualification,instruction, training, use, maintenance and removalfrom service of connectors, harnesses, lanyards,anchorage connectors, winches/hoists, descentcontrol devices, rope tackle blocks and self-retractinglanyards with integral rescue capability comprisingrescue systems, utilized in pre-planned selfrescueand assisted-rescue applications for one totwo persons.

All of our standards document are available in PDF (Portable Document Format), an electronic, downloadable format.You will be able to download the file in your account downloads.

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ASSP Z690.1-2011

ASSP Z690.1-2011

Vocabulary for Risk Management (National Adoption of: ISO Guide 73:2009) (Formerly ASSE Z690.1-2011)..

$55.00 $110.00

ASSP Z690.2-2011

ASSP Z690.2-2011

Risk Management - Principles and Guidelines (identical national adoption of ISO 31000:2009) (Formerl..

$55.00 $110.00

ASSP Z690.3-2011

ASSP Z690.3-2011

Risk Assessment Techniques (National Adoption of: IEC/ISO 31010:2009) (Formerly ASSE Z690.2-2011)..

$55.00 $110.00



Risk Management Package: ANSI/ASSE/ISO Guide 73 (Z690.1-2011), ANSI/ASSE/ISO 31000 (Z690.2-2011), AN..

$83.00 $165.00