• ASTM D4870-09(2014)

ASTM D4870-09(2014)

  • Standard Test Method for Determination of Total Sediment in Residual Fuels
  • standard by ASTM International, 12/01/2014
  • Category: ASTM

$58.00 $29.00

1.1 This test method covers the determination of total sediment up to 0.40 % m/m for distillate fuel oils containing residual components and to 0.50 % m/m in residual fuel oils having a maximum viscosity of 55 cSt (mm²/s) at 100°C. Some fuels can exceed the maximum filtration time specified in this test method due to factors other than the presence of significant quantities of insoluble organic or inorganic material. This test method can be used for the assessment of total sediment after regimes of fuel pretreatment designed to accelerate the aging process.


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