• AWS B5.5:2011

AWS B5.5:2011

  • Specification for the Qualification of Welding Educators
  • standard by American Welding Society, 09/13/2011
  • Category: AWS

$64.00 $32.00

1.1 This specification establishes the attributes required for determining the qualification of welding educators.
1.2 In the qualification process, a welding educator shall be capable of performing welding skills and demonstrate theirknowledge of welding processes and fabrication principles. The welding educator shall furnish documentation showingthat they meet the requirements of their training facility with regard to education and instructional methods. The documentationmay be in the form of educational transcripts, certificates, or written recommendation from a senior educationalinstitution administrator attesting that the welding educator meets the educational requirements of that facility.
1.3 It shall be the responsibility of the employer to determine that a person is capable of performing the duties involvedin their welding educator assignment.
1.4 This specification is intended to supplement the requirements of an employer, or of local, state, or national regulations;it shall not be construed as a preemption of the employer?s responsibility for the work or the performance of thework. Hence, it is the responsibility of the employer to determine the welding educator?s qualifications, other than thosestated in 1.2 above, and confirm the capability of the welding educator to perform the duties required by the organizationfor the job function assigned to the welding educator. Furthermore, this standard is not intended to supersede, replace, orcontradict the local, state, or national regulations governing the licensing of teachers or instructors and the exemptions, ifany, permitted by such regulations with regard to teaching or instructing welding without a license.
1.5 This specification does not require units of measure. Therefore, no equivalents or conversions are contained herein.
1.6 Safety and Health issues are beyond the scope of this specification and therefore are not fully addressed herein. Safetyand health information is available from other sources, including, but not limited to, ANSI Z49.1, Safety in Welding, Cutting,and Allied Processes, and applicable federal and state regulations (also see note in 5.1).

1.7 Terminology. As used in this specification, the word shall denotes a requirement; the word should denotes a guidelineor recommendation; and the word may denotes a choice

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