• AWS C3.4M/C3.4:2016

AWS C3.4M/C3.4:2016

  • Specification for Torch Brazing
  • standard by American Welding Society, 01/01/2016
  • Category: AWS

$68.00 $34.00

This specification presents the minimum fabrication, equipment, and process procedure requirements, as well as inspectionrequirements for the torch brazing of steels, stainless steels, copper, copper alloys, and heat- or corrosion-resistantalloys and other materials that can be adequately torch brazed (the torch brazing of aluminum alloys is addressed in AWSC3.7M/C3.7, Specification for Aluminum Brazing). This specification provides criteria for classifying torch brazed jointsbased on loading and the consequences of failure and quality assurance criteria defining the limits of acceptability in eachclass. The specification defines acceptable torch brazing equipment, materials, and procedures as well as the requiredinspection for each class of joint.

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