• AWS C4.5M:2012

AWS C4.5M:2012

  • Uniform Designation for Oxyfuel Nozzles
  • standard by American Welding Society, 06/05/2012
  • Category: AWS

$60.00 $30.00

The publication provides a system for uniform identification of cutting, welding, and heating/brazing nozzles.A common information base has been established that the operator can rely on to identify nozzle performance from one manufacturer to another. The overall intent of this system is to provide manufacturers a common identification system to be marked on nozzles, which will result in the safe operation of oxyfuel nozzles, i.e., operators will know they are using the correct nozzle for the job being performed. In addition to a system of identifying nozzles, the publication also requires that manufacturers make other operating information and parameters available in such forms as are suitable for the operator.
Application of the system of identification in this publication is voluntary, however if a manufacturer chooses toemploy it or it is contractually required by a purchaser, then it will be necessary to comply with all the requirements of the publication.
In the oxyfuel welding and cutting industry, every equipment manufacturer has its own system for designating the size of oxyfuel nozzles for cutting, welding, and heating/brazing. These systems are based on a variety of different nozzle features and in many cases are completely arbitrary. In any case, it is currently impossible to identify a nozzle by model number for a given manufacturer and cross reference it to a different manufacturer to obtain like performance and size, i.e., there is no commonality among manufacturers to identify like nozzles for performance and use. The intent of this publication is to provide a system for uniform identification of cutting, welding, and heating/brazing nozzles. This publication describes in detail the information that the equipment manufacturers should permanently mark on their oxyfuel cutting, welding, and heating/brazing nozzles.

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