• AWS C7.1M/C7.1:2013

AWS C7.1M/C7.1:2013

  • Recommended Practices for Electron Beam Welding and Allied Processes
  • standard by American Welding Society, 02/05/2013
  • Category: AWS

$112.00 $56.00

These recommended practices present descriptions of electron beam welding equipment and procedures forwelding a wide range of metals and thicknesses; allied processes, to include electron beam braze welding (EBBW), cutting,drilling, surfacing, additive manufacturing, surface texturing, and heat treating, are also discussed. The appropriateterms, definitions, and safety considerations are presented. Information is included on designing for electron beam welding(EBW), welding dissimilar metals and thicknesses, fixturing, specifications, and operator training and qualification.Information regarding the safe practice of electron beam welding and allied processes can be found in Clause 4 of thisstandard.


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