• AWS D14.9/D14.9M:2013

AWS D14.9/D14.9M:2013

  • Specification for the Welding of Hydraulic Cylinders
  • standard by American Welding Society, 10/30/2012
  • Category: AWS

$80.00 $40.00

This specification provides standards for the design and manufacture of pressure containing welded joints and structural welded joints used in the manufacture of hydraulic cylinders.
Manufacturers' responsibilities are presented as they relate to the welding practices that have been proven successful within the industry in the production of hydraulic cylinders.
Included are sections defining welding procedure qualification, welding performance qualification, workmanship and quality requirements as well as inspection requirements and repair requirements.

All of our standards document are available in PDF (Portable Document Format), an electronic, downloadable format.You will be able to download the file in your account downloads.

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