• AWS D15.1/D15.1M:2012-AMD1

AWS D15.1/D15.1M:2012-AMD1

  • Railroad Welding Specification for Cars and Locomotives
  • standard by American Welding Society, 04/18/2012
  • Category: AWS

$152.00 $76.00

This specification covers the minimum welding requirements applicable to welded structures and cast componentsused in the railroad industry. It is not intended to apply to tank car tanks nor to the welding of rails. Recommendedpractices for welding railroad rails and related components are included in D15.2, Recommended Practice forthe Welding of Rails and Related Rail Components for Use by Rail Vehicles. Specifications for welding tank car tanksand components welded directly thereto are outlined in the AAR Manual of Standards and Specifications for Welding,Section C - Part III, Specification M-1002 (AAR M-1002 C-III).
Welding symbols shall be those shown in the latest edition of AWS A2.4, Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, andNondestructive Examination.
Includes Amendments 1 and 2

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