• AWS D16.1M/D16.1:2018

AWS D16.1M/D16.1:2018

  • Specification for Robotic Arc Welding Safety
  • standard by American Welding Society, 02/16/2018
  • Category: AWS

$76.00 $38.00

The requirements in AWS D16.1M/D16.1:2018 apply to industrial robot systems that are used to perform the gas metal arcwelding (GMAW) with solid or metal cored wires, and flux cored arc welding (FCAW) processes. The purpose of thisstandard is to establish minimum safety requirements with respect to the design, manufacture, maintenance, and operationof arc welding robot systems and ancillary equipment. It is also designed to help identify and minimize hazards involvedin maintaining, operating, and setting up of arc welding robot systems. This standard includes principles that may beapplied to robotic systems with other arc welding processes.

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