• AWS F4.1:2017

AWS F4.1:2017

  • Safe Practices for the Preparation of Containers and Piping for Welding and Cutting
  • standard by American Welding Society, 08/03/2017
  • Category: AWS

$64.00 $32.00

AWS F4.1:2017 shall apply to the preparation for welding or cutting of metal containers and piping. Forthe purposes of this document, references to precautions for welding or cutting are also intended to apply to all metalworking operations (i.e., brazing, grinding, soldering, thawing pipes, using heat guns, using spark-producing powertools, straightening, thermal spraying) involving heat. Cleaning of used containers is necessary in all cases before weldingor cutting. The term container, as used herein, includes piping.

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