• Batch Control Systems - Design, Application, and Implementation, 2nd Edition

Batch Control Systems - Design, Application, and Implementation, 2nd Edition

  • Book by The International Society of Automation, 01/01/2006
  • Category: ISA

$175.00 $88.00

This revision of the 1990 work by Thomas Fisher covers an introduction to batch processes; batch control system structures; batch control; batch communications and batch control system design. Hawkins offers a comprehensive analysis of the development and evolution of batch control from the original NAMUR model through the most current publications in the 88 series. Through examples, commentary, analogies and at times wry humor the author provides an in-depth philosophical discussion of how batch control and all manufacturing enterprises have been impacted by the work of 88. Hawkins in-depth coverage and practical insights make this book an indispensable tool for designers, control engineers, project engineers, and managers who desire to achieve the full cost and production benefits of implementing the 88 series.

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