• BIFMA X5.5-2014

BIFMA X5.5-2014

  • American National Standard for Office Furnishings - Desk Products
  • standard by Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers A
  • Category: BIFMA

$150.00 $75.00

This standard provides a common basis for evaluating the safety, durability and structuralperformance of desk/table products intended for use in commercial office and relatedinstitutional environments such as educational environments. It provides test methods andperformance requirements for desk/table products. Where a product may be covered by morethan one ANSI/BIFMA standard, the manufacturer shall determine which standard provides themost appropriate test conditions. Where a product is intended for use outside of the commercialoffice and related institutional environments, it is the responsibility of the user of this standard todetermine if it is suitable for use in such evaluations.

Note: Commercial product naming conventions may cause confusion regarding the applicabilityof this and other BIFMA standards. For example, a "credenza" is typically defined and tested inthe BIFMA X5.5 Desk standard, however, some configurations of "credenzas" will appear to bestorage products within the definition of this standard and may be appropriately tested by X5.9Storage Units - Tests standard. The manufacturer shall determine which standard provides themost appropriate test conditions.

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