• Boiler Control Systems Engineering

Boiler Control Systems Engineering

  • Book by The International Society of Automation, 01/01/2005
  • Category: ISA

$183.00 $92.00

This book is for anyone who works with boilers as a utilities manager, power plant manager, control systems engineer, maintenance technician or operator. The information deals primarily with water tube boilers with Induced Draft (ID) and Forced Draft (FD) fan(s) or boilers with only a FD fan. However, it can apply to any steam generator requiring the firing of fuel. The book addresses issues to be considered when defining measurement transmitters and specification for transmitters. Final control elements are reviewed as to characteristics and sizing. Engineering details on control systems and the setup of the various control functions are covered with specific examples of boiler control including configuration and tuning. The book also contains some of the primary requirements for a Burner Management System.


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