• CGA C-6.1

CGA C-6.1

  • Standards for Visual Inspection of High Pressure Aluminum Alloy Compressed Gas Cylinders
  • standard by Compressed Gas Association, 05/01/2013
  • Category: CGA

$117.00 $59.00

This standard has been prepared for the visual inspection of aluminum alloy compressed gas cylinders with service pressures of 1800 psi (12 410 kPa) or greater. This standard does not address all cylinder manufacture defects. Cylinders authorized by regulation may require testing by ultrasonic examination (UE) or pressure testing. This standard does not include testing that may be required by regulation.
This standard is directed at cylinders with a service pressure of 1800 psi (12 410 kPa) or greater. CGA C-6.3 shall be followed for cylinders with lower service pressure [9]. Previous edition cited in 49 CFR.

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