CGA G-19
- Guideline for Natural Gas Safe Handling and Operations
- standard by Compressed Gas Association, 04/01/2017
- Category: CGA
This publication addresses the following:
- safe use and handling of products and systems that store, vaporize, transfer, and handle natural gas;
- hazards and safeguards associated with natural gas; and
- training of personnel involved with the handling of natural gas.
- Natural gas is a combination of several different gases in differing concentrations. The guidelines contained inthis publication assume that pipeline quality natural gas as defined in this publication is in use. See Table 1.
Many standards exist for the design, construction, installation, inspection, and examination of natural gas equipmentand facilities. A complete description of the applicability of each standard is beyond the scope of this publication.See Section 14 for a list of additional references.
Where an applicable standard does exist, its rules shall be followed in conjunction with applicable local codesand regulations.

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