• CGA M-22

CGA M-22

  • Medical Gas Quick Connect Adaptors (Formerly SB-43)
  • standard by Compressed Gas Association, 10/01/2017
  • Category: CGA

$8.00 $6.00

This standard addresses gas specific quick disconnect adaptors used primarily in healthcare facilities that mate with medical gas wall outlets and equipment.
This standard excludes gas specific threaded connections including Diameter Index Safety Systems (DISS) that are addressed in CGA V-5, Diameter Index Safety System (Noninterchangeable Low Pressure Connections for Medical Gas Applications), and non-interchangeable screwed-threaded (NIST) connectors addressed in CSA Z5359, Low-Pressure Hose Assemblies for use with Medical Gases.

All of our standards document are available in PDF (Portable Document Format), an electronic, downloadable format.You will be able to download the file in your account downloads.

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CGA P-49

CGA P-49

Prevention of Tow-Away Incidents, First Edition..

$16.00 $31.00

CGA P-52

CGA P-52

Security Standard for Qualifying Customers Purchasing Compressed Gases..

$9.00 $18.00

CGA P-51

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Transportation Security Standard for the Compressed Gas Industry..

$31.00 $62.00

CGA P-53

CGA P-53

Security Code Top Screen..

$14.00 $28.00