CIE 178:2007
- Proceedings of the 26th Session of the CIE -- Beijing, China, 4 - 11 July 2007
- Conference Proceeding by Commission Internationale de L'Ecl
- Category: CIE
This CD-ROM contains on over 1850 pages the texts of the Invited Papers,Presented Papers and Posters presented at the Session, as well as the introductionsto the Workshops.
The proceedings are organized in three files:
A separate directory includes the photos of the Session.
The proceedings are organized in three files:
- Proceedings Volume 1 Part 1.pdf
This file corresponds to the first printed volume of the printed proceedings.Links to the text of the papers have been inserted in the contents list. Byclicking on the title the paper will be opened. Papers having an extendedversion in Volume 2 are marked. - Proceedings Volume 1 Part 2.pdf
This file corresponds to the second printed volume of the proceedings, againshowing links to the papers. The content list in both files show the content ofboth files, but the links are only operational when relating to a papercontained in the same file. - Proceedings Volume 2.pdf
This file contains the official reports, etc. of the 26th CIE Session in Beijingand the extended papers. In the content list the titles are also operational aslinks.
A separate directory includes the photos of the Session.

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