CIE Technical Committee TC 6-24 was formed in 1992 due to the importanceof the deleterious effects associated with exposure to UV-A radiation andbecause of a lack of existing guidance/regulations on tests for UV-Aprotection. The objective was to arrive at an international consensus on suchtests. By 1997 the committee had identified one in vivo method worthpursuing, i.e. Persistent Pigment Darkening, and several in vitro methods thathad not yet been validated. It was not possible to reach a consensus at thattime, however. In the meantime the development of methods to assess UV-Aprotection continued and is still on-going, especially on in vitro methods.Furthermore, the computer-aided calculation of sunscreen performance -referred to as in silico - became more sophisticated and useful. Rather thantrying to find a consensus on sunscreen testing the objective of thereactivated TC 6-24 has now been reduced to giving, in the form of aTechnical Report, a comprehensive overview as well as an assessment andranking of the UV-A methods currently under discussion. This report startswith the general principles of UV protection and an overview of UV-A andbroad-spectrum UV filters. Then a description and assessment of in vivo, exvivo, in vitro and in silico methods is given.
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