CIE 189:2010
- Calculation of Tunnel Lighting Quality Criteria
- standard by Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage, 05/01
- Category: CIE
Experience of making road tunnel lighting designs in accordance with publicationCIE 88:2004 has shown that there are some aspects of calculation of the differentlighting criteria where more specific guidance to the designers is necessary. Thisdocument explains how the tunnel environment differs significantly from the openroad situation. In particular, the presence of walls along the traffic road involvesreflection effects between different surfaces. The variation of luminance level alongthe tunnel, the changes in the lighting installation along the entrance section of thetunnel and the use of different lighting systems in different parts of the tunnelintroduce more complexity in the lighting calculations. The report gives guidance ondetermining the method for calculating the relevant lighting quality criteria for tunnelsituations.
The publication is written in English, with a short summary in French and German. Itconsists of 18 pages with 4 figures
The publication is written in English, with a short summary in French and German. Itconsists of 18 pages with 4 figures

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