CIE DIS 017/E:2016
- ILV: International Lighting Vocabulary
- Report / Survey by Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage
- Category: CIE
Supplementary to the review of existing definitions, terms and definitions of CIE S 017-SP1 have been included in this draft. Terms and definitions that had been under discussion in CIE TC 1-64, terms and definitions that have been agreed in ISO/TC 274, terms and definitions of CIE TN 002, and entries which proved to be reasonable during revision work were also added to the draft. A number of entries currently included in CIE S 017:2011 have been removed, either because they became obsolete as synonyms for other terms or because they were not explicitly related to light and lighting. The numbering of entries has been changed to a sectional system to be in line with the system used in IEC 60050-845.
The DIS has been sent to CIE National Committees (NCs), CIE Divisions and CIE Board of Administration (BA) for comments. It is still subject to changes and may not yet be referred to as a CIE International Standard. When approved by the CIE NCs, Divisions and BA it will be published as a CIE International Standard and will be forwarded to IEC to update the current version of IEC 60050-845.
The publication consists of 183 pages and includes definitions of 1255 terms.

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