• CISPR 17 Ed. 2.0 b:2011

CISPR 17 Ed. 2.0 b:2011

  • Methods of measurement of the suppression characteristics of passive EMC filtering devices
  • standard by International Special Committee on Radio Interferenc
  • Category: CISPR

$352.00 $176.00

CISPR 17:2011 specifies methods to measure the radio interference suppression characteristics of passive EMC filtering devices used in power and signal lines, and in other circuits. The defined methods may also be applied to combinations of over-voltage protection devices and EMC filtering devices. The measurement method covers the frequency range from 9 kHz to several GHz depending on the device and test circuit. The standard describes procedures for laboratory tests (type tests) as well as factory tests. The suppression characteristics of EMC filters and components used for the suppression of EM disturbances, are a function of numerous variables such as impedance of the circuits to which they connect, operating voltage and current, and ambient temperature. This standard specifies uniform test methods that will enable comparison of filtering and suppression characteristics determined by test laboratories or specified by manufacturers. Measurement procedures are provided for unbiased and bias conditions. Measurements under bias conditions are performed to determine potential non-linear behaviour of the EMC filtering devices such as saturation effects in inductors with magnetic cores. This testing serves to show the usability in a specific application (such as frequency converters that produce high amplitudes of common mode pulse current and thus may drive inductors into saturation). Measurement under bias conditions may be omitted if the non-linear behaviour can be determined by other methods (e.g. separate saturation measurement of the inductors used). The first edition of CISPR 17 (1981) prescribed the measurement methods of insertion loss mainly for power-line filters. Today, however, many types of sophisticated EMC filters and suppression components can be found in various electronic devices. Those filters need to be characterized using standardized measurement methods. New methods for measurement of impedance and S-parameters for such EMI devices are included in this second edition.

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