• EEMUA Publication 140

EEMUA Publication 140

  • Noise Procedure Specification, Revised 2015
  • standard by Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Associatio
  • Category: EEMUA

$88.90 $44.00

This Specification defines the latest procedures for controlling noise in plant and equipment in accordance with international standards. It indicates the method of specifying maximum acceptable noise levels, describes acceptable methods of test for determining noise emission from equipment and gives a guide to methods of calculation and presentation of data. It does not set noise limits as the acceptable limit for any location will depend on factors relevant to that location. Edition Three has been updated to include reference to the sound intensity method of measuring noise from equipment, and references to relevant standards and regulations - available as an addendum.

All of our standards document are available in PDF (Portable Document Format), an electronic, downloadable format.You will be able to download the file in your account downloads.

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Guide to the Development and Implementation of On-line Analyser Applications, Revised 2015..

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