• EEMUA Publication 188

EEMUA Publication 188

  • Guide for Establishing Operating Periods of Safety Valves, Revised 2015
  • standard by Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Associatio
  • Category: EEMUA

$101.60 $51.00

EEMUA 188 sets out the issues to be considered in determining and reviewing operating periods for safety valves, including guidance on the periods between consecutive inspections and on setting necessary control procedures. The second edition revises and updates the original 1999 edition. It is a companion volume to EEMUA Publication 184 Guide to the Isolation of Pressure Relieving Devices.

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EEMUA Publication 232

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Specifying, Procuring & Managing 3rd Party Inspection Services, Revised 2016..

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Line Pipe Specification: Clauses in Addition to API 5L/ISO 3183, Revised 2016..

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