• EEMUA Publication 233

EEMUA Publication 233

  • Line Pipe Specification: Clauses in Addition to API 5L/ISO 3183, Revised 2016
  • standard by Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Associatio
  • Category: EEMUA

$209.55 $105.00

This specification, prepared by the EEMUA Materials Technology Committee, is an addendum to API 5L 45th Edition 2012 / ISO 3183 3rd Edition 2012 for line pipe up to and including Grade L555 / X80. It details the changes and modifications to API 5L / ISO 3183 generally specified by EEMUA members for line pipe to be employed for oil and gas transmission and distribution, both on land and sub sea. EEMUA 233 may also be applied to mother pipe intended for induction bending.

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