• HI 10.6-2010

HI 10.6-2010

  • American National Standard for Air-Operated Pump Tests
  • standard by Hydraulic Institute, 2010
  • Category: HI

$80.00 $40.00

This standard applies to the test of the pump only. It provides uniform procedures for mechanical and other pump performance testing and for recording of the test results of air operated diaphragm and bellows pumps. All tests are based on using water at ambient temperature. The standard covers the following types of tests:
  • Test to demonstrate mechanical integrity when pump is in operation
  • Performance test
  • Net positive Suction Head test
  • Hydrostatic testing of pressure-retaining components
  • Noise measurement
The following topics are included in this standard:
  • Terminology
  • Symbols
  • Definitions
  • Test Procedures
  • Test setup and equipment
  • Methods of measurement
  • Calculations and plotting pump performance

All of our standards document are available in PDF (Portable Document Format), an electronic, downloadable format.You will be able to download the file in your account downloads.

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HI 9.8-2018

HI 9.8-2018

Rotodynamic Pumps for Pump Intake Design..

$120.00 $240.00

HI 7.6-2018

HI 7.6-2018

American National Standard for Controlled-volume Metering Pumps for Test..

$35.00 $70.00

HI 14.3-2019

HI 14.3-2019

Rotodynamic Pumps for Design and Application..

$120.00 $240.00

HI 14.1-14.2-2019

HI 14.1-14.2-2019

American National Standard for Rotodynamic Pumps for Nomenclature and Definitions..

$68.00 $135.00