• HI 12.1-12.6-2016

HI 12.1-12.6-2016

  • American National Standard for Rotodynamic Centrifugal Slurry Pumps for Nomenclature, Definitions, Applications, and Operation
  • standard by Hydraulic Institute, 2016
  • Category: HI

$205.00 $103.00

Scope of Standard: ANSI/HI 12.1-12.6 offers a basic educational overview on rotodynamic (centrifugal) slurry pumps, design and application considerations related to the selection of the right pump for a specific industry including pump installation as well as operation and maintenance procedures. The standard addresses a variety of pump designs in the categories of:
  • Overhung impeller/close coupled pumps
  • Overhung impeller/flexibly coupled pumps
New to the Standard:
  • Explained non-Newtonian slurry conditions
  • Experimental froth volume factor
  • Application limits of single mechanical seals
  • Fully split pusher seal information now included
  • Mechanical seal materials
  • Added definitions: specific energy consumption,
  • Operating precautions for threaded impellers
  • Revised start-up instructions/ recommendations

All of our standards document are available in PDF (Portable Document Format), an electronic, downloadable format.You will be able to download the file in your account downloads.

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HI 2.4-2008

HI 2.4-2008

American National Standard for Rotodynamic (Vertical) Pumps for Manuals Describing Installation, Ope..

$38.00 $75.00

HI 1.3-2009

HI 1.3-2009

Rotodynamic (Centrifugal) Pumps for Design and Application..

$90.00 $180.00

HI 9.6.4-2009

HI 9.6.4-2009

Centrifugal and Vertical Pumps - Vibration Measurements and Allowable Values, Corrected Version (201..

$60.00 $120.00

HI 9.6.6-2009

HI 9.6.6-2009

Rotodynamic Pumps for Pump Piping..

$65.00 $130.00