• HI 9.6.8-2014

HI 9.6.8-2014

  • Dynamics of Pumping Machinery
  • standard by Hydraulic Institute, 10/27/2014
  • Category: HI

$240.00 $120.00

The purpose and aims of the Institute are to promote the continued growth and well-being of pump users and pumpmanufacturers and further the interests of the public in such matters as are involved in manufacturing, engineering,distribution, safety, transportation, and other problems of the industry, and to this end, among other things:
  • To develop and publish standards for pumps;
  • To collect and disseminate information of value to its members and to the public;
  • To appear for its members before governmental departments and agencies and other bodies in regard to mattersaffecting the industry;
  • To increase the amount and to improve the quality of pump service to the public;
  • To support educational and research activities;
  • To promote the business interests of its members but not to engage in business of the kind ordinarily carried onfor profit or to perform particular services for its members or individual persons as distinguished from activitiesto improve the business conditions and lawful interests of all of its members.

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HI 9.6.6-2009

HI 9.6.6-2009

Rotodynamic Pumps for Pump Piping..

$65.00 $130.00

HI 9.6.5-2009

HI 9.6.5-2009

Rotodynamic (Centrifugal and Vertical) Pumps Guideline for Condition Monitoring..

$40.00 $80.00

HI 4.1-4.6-2010

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American National Standard for Sealless Rotary Pumps for Nomenclature, Definitions, Applications, an..

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HI 10.6-2010

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American National Standard for Air-Operated Pump Tests..

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