• HI M130

HI M130

  • Book by Hydraulic Institute, 07/01/2001
  • Category: HI

$163.00 $82.00

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The Industry's most complete and up-to-date Life Cycle Cost Guide for pumping systems
Comprehensive and authoritative, the new Guide to LCC Analysis for Pumping Systems logically and clearly presents engineering, design, specification and analytical methodologies for optimizing pump systems designs and maximizing pumping system lifetime cost savings.
  • LCC formula and step-by-step calculation chart
  • system design for maximum ROI, minimum cost
  • analysis of existing pumping systems
  • extensive LCC analyses
  • plus an extensive bibliography supplemented by case histories and over a hundred cost-saving curves, formulas, flowcharts and diagrams

  • Optimizing pump systems design and saving on the total life cycle cost of a pumping system requires more than merely minimizing waste, maximizing efficiency, cutting energy costs or trimming maintenance expenses. The fact is, all components of pumping systems are interdependent. Design, operation, maintenance, energy, piping, controls, flows, fluid dynamics -- everything in the system can be optimized to minimize total life cycle costs.
    HI/Europump's Pump Life Cycle Costs: A Guide to LCC Analysis for Pumping Systems describes essential pumping system components and shows you, step-by-step, the considerations necessary to specify, design and operate the system for minimum life cycle cost.

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