ICC 600-2014
- Standard for Residential Construction in High-Wind Regions
- standard by International Code Council, 12/01/2014
- Category: ICC
The 2014 edition includes:
- Updated design wind speed map to align with the ASCE 7-10, 2015 IBC® and 2015 IRC® provisions. The wind speeds are ultimate design wind speeds (Vult) but the design loads and pressures in the standard are nominal (ASD) design loads.
- New provision that storm shelters be designed and constructed in accordance with ICC 500: ICC/NSSA Standard for the Design and Construction of Storm Shelters.
- New alternative fastening of roof sheathing utilizing prescriptive ring-shank nails that have a higher withdrawal capacity than common nails.
- New prescriptive provisions for using self-adhering underlayment to create a "sealed roof deck" to prevent water intrusion.
- Updated the design wind load pressure for garage doors to include door width up to 20 feet.
- New prescriptive provisions for soffits.
- New prescriptive provisions for vinyl siding installed over foam plastic sheathing.
- New prescriptive provision for foam plastic sheathing.

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