• ICEA S-109-709-2011 (R2018)

ICEA S-109-709-2011 (R2018)

  • standard by Insulated Cable Engineers Association, 01/17/2012
  • Category: ICEA

$105.00 $53.00

ICEA S-109-709-2011 (R2018) covers mechanical and electrical requirements for insulated,copper conductor, wires intended primarily for use as a telecommunications centraloffice distribution frame wire. Depending upon the application, this Standardprovides choices for materials.
The wires covered by this Standard are provided in singles, triples, one or two pairconstructions. The wires are also provided with either a high stress or generalpurpose insulation.
Wires using high stress insulation should be used where user applications requireduse of a tougher insulating material. Wires using general purpose insulation shouldbe used in normal user applications.

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