• ICEA S-84-608-2017

ICEA S-84-608-2017

  • Telecommunications Cable, Filled Polyolefin Insulated, Copper Conductor
  • standard by Insulated Cable Engineers Association, 03/08/2017
  • Category: ICEA

$149.00 $75.00

ICEA S-84-608 is to establish generic technical requirementsthat may be referenced by individual telecommunications cable specifications coveringproducts intended for normal outside plant use. The parameters covered provide material,construction, and performance requirements that are applicable to filled, polyolefininsulated and jacketed cables of all pair counts, including a variety of shield and jacketcombinations and optional compartmental screening.
Because this Standard does not cover all details of individual cable design, it cannot beused as a single document for procurement of product. It is intended to be used inconjunction with an individual product specification that provides complete design detailsfor the specific cable type and designates the applicable performance requirements. Suchindividual cable specifications may be prepared either by the user or the manufacturer.The specification designated for procurement is at the option of the user.

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