• ICEA T-32-645-2012 (R2017)

ICEA T-32-645-2012 (R2017)

  • Test Method for Establishing Volume Resistivity Compatibility of Water Blocking Components With Extruded Semiconducting Shield M
  • standard by Insulated Cable Engineers Association, 02/23/2017
  • Category: ICEA

$97.00 $49.00

ICEA T-32-645-2012 (R2017) provides procedures for establishing volume resistivity compatibility of water blockingcomponents with extruded semiconducting shields utilized in MV, HV or EHV power cables. Thecompatibility test is designed to verify that the electrical properties of a semiconducting material used as aconductor or insulation shield are not adversely affected when exposed to a water blocking component.These water blocking components can be incorporated in a conductor, over a conductor, over an insulationshield, or around a metallic shield or concentric neutral. It describes a test method of demonstrating thatthe volume resistivity and volume resistivity stability remain within their specified limits when asemiconducting material is exposed to a water blocking component at the emergency operatingtemperature of the cable.

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