• IEEE 1363.1-2008

IEEE 1363.1-2008

  • IEEE Standard Specification for Public Key Cryptographic Techniques Based on Hard Problems over Lattices
  • standard by IEEE, 03/10/2009
  • Category: IEEE

$102.00 $51.00

New IEEE Standard - Active.Specifications of common public-key cryptographic techniques based on hard problems over lattices supplemental to those considered in IEEE 1363 and IEEE P1363a, including mathematical primitives for secret value (key) derivation, public-key encryption, identification and digital signatures, and cryptographic schemes based on those primitives. Specifications of related cryptographic parameters, public keys and private keys. Class of computer and communications systems is not restricted.

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NAS 1721

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Rivet - Blind, 100 Flush Head (Ms20426 Head) Mechanically Locked Spindle..

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NAS 1722 Rev. 2

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Rivet, Blind, 100 Reduced Flush Head, (Nas 1097 Head) Mechanically Locked Spindle..

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