• IEEE 1512.3-2002

IEEE 1512.3-2002

  • IEEE Standard for Hazardous Material Incident Management Message Sets for Use by Emergency Management Centers
  • standard by IEEE, 10/14/2002
  • Category: IEEE

$132.00 $66.00

New IEEE Standard - Superseded.Superseded by IEEE Std 1512.3-2006 This standard addresses the exchange of vital data about hazardous material and othercargo and contents of vehicles and buildings involved in transportation-related events, throughcommon incident management message sets. That data exchange is specifically to supportreal-time interagency transportation-related incident management. Message sets specified areconsistent with the National Intelligent Transportation Systems Architecture and are describedusing Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) syntax. This standard comprises one companionvolume of the family of incident management standards centered around a base standard:IEEE Std 1512-2000, IEEE Standard for Common Incident Management Message Sets for Useby Emergency Management Centers. Other members of that family that are forthcoming includetwo other companion volumes, specifying incident management message sets for transportationmanagement and public safety. Collectively, this family of standards shall be referred to as theIEEE 1512 Family of Standards. The goal of these standards is to support efficient communicationfor the real-time, interagency management of transportation-related events. Those events includeincidents, emergencies, accidents, planned roadway closures, special events, and disasterscaused by humans or natural events. These events include any such event that impactstransportation systems, or that causes a report to be received by an emergency managementsystem, whether or not the event actually affects a transportation system, and whether or not aresponse is required.

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