• IEEE 1657-2018

IEEE 1657-2018

  • IEEE Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualifications for Installation and Maintenance of Stationary Batteries
  • standard by IEEE, 05/25/2018
  • Category: IEEE

$149.00 $75.00

Revision Standard - Active.The areas of recommended knowledge for installers and maintainers of stationarybatteries and related systems, to the extent that they affect the battery, are defined in this recommended practice. Design of the dc system and sizing of the dc battery charger(s) are beyond the scope of this document. Only lead-acid and nickel-cadmium battery technologies are covered in this recommended practice. An outline (not necessarily in training order) of the items that should be covered by training programs for stationary battery installation and maintenance personnel is provided. Certifying trained personnel and providing its own battery technician training programs will not be performed by IEEE.

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