• IEEE 1668-2017

IEEE 1668-2017

  • IEEE Recommended Practice for Voltage Sag and Short Interruption Ride-Through Testing for End-Use Electrical Equipment Rated Les
  • standard by IEEE, 11/27/2017
  • Category: IEEE

$134.00 $67.00

Revision Standard - Active.A non-industry-specific recommended practice for voltage sag and short interruption ride-through performance and compliance testing for all electrical and electronic equipment connected to low-voltage power systems that can experience malfunction or shutdown as a result of reductions in supply voltage lasting less than one minute is detailed in this document. Testing procedures and requirements for test equipment are clearly defined within this document to reflect this electrical environment, including single-phase, two-phase, and three-phase balanced and unbalanced voltage sags. Requirements for certification and test reporting, including characterization of voltage-sag ride-through equipment are also defined.

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